The first DVD of Mathieu Bich in 2003...
ALU : A visual production of a FULL deck of cards from a piece of aluminium foil.
PERRiER : An ultimate prediction effect - worth the price of the DVD.
BURNT : Inside a matchbox, all burnt matches turn new.
THE FORCE : A new and elegant way to force a card.
HEAT : A very visual revelation in a flash of light.
STRiKE iT : A mentalism effect where the chosen match is the only match that lit.
DOUBLE CLUB : Two very nice Sandwich effects
RE-POST iT : Make a post-it note travel back in time...
TECHNiCOLOR : Mentalism effect where you predict the name of a spectator (new principle)
LEVERAGE : Make a bowored deck of cards levitate (no threads, no magnets ;-)
FiCKLE : A new principle to make the chosen card jump from the middle of the deck...
All the tricks are very easy to perforrm!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Thinner, Stretching & Erazed demo ONLY